LUXI Light Award Winner 2022
We are the winners of the LUXI Light Award in the category "Innovation". On 11/11/2022 the prize was awarded by the Pflaum Publishing Company at the Romers Hotel Munich.
Our product group „LEDiKIT®“ was awarded with the wanted and well-known price. The jury and especially the juror Katja Strohäcker praised our LEDiKITs® as sustainable and innovative which meet the ravages of our current time - LEDiKIT® deals with current topics such as the energy crisis, environmental pollution and high resource consumption and offers solutions for these topics. (Extract from the jury statement)
The award is the motivation for us to go further on in creating sustainable light for humans and our environment.
We would like to thank the team of the Pflaum Verlag for awarding Laternix. Our special thanks goes to Emre Onur, chief publisher of the Pflaum Verlag. Emre helped us with every question! Moreover, we would like to thank Agnes and Nils-Peter Hey for inventing the Lightweek and the LUXI Award.
Jury Statement
The new product LEDiKIT® combines LED-Retrofits for outdoor luminaires with the intelligence of a need-based controling. Standard luminaires from all supplieres can be maintained and modernized without waiving a digital and modern controlling. The products are available within an individual modular system and directly provided for users, municipalities or designer. With the BioDIM Function, an intelligent controlled and biodynamic light, the light spectrum and level varies throughout the night. Therefore, nature and the environment are perserved and the right light atmosphere is created. The brightness and the colour temperature can be adapted depending on the night time and mood. The optimated light distribution curves have a small blinding effect without light emmision into the night sky. Users and residents can adapt various lighting paramets with an App. LEDiKIT® is an innovative and sustainable product which deals with current topics such as the energy crisis, environmental pollution and high resource consumption and offers solutions for these topics.